Welcome to 2015's A–Z Challenge. This year I'm taking you on a tour of one of my favourite cities!

Saturday, 18 April 2015

P – Piazza del Popolo

Piazza del Popolo
At first glance the Piazza del Popolo – the People’s Square – is reminiscent of London’s Trafalgar Square. It has fountains, lions and even a column. Strictly speaking it’s a carved Egyptian obelisk – the obelisco Flamino – and at thirty-six metres is a shorter cousin to Nelson’s. It was originally used as a marker within the arena at Circo Massimo.

The piazza is a large, open space and had once been used for public executions – not something Trafalgar Square can stake a claim on. More recently, Dan Brown’s Langdon had found a half-buried cardinal in the crypt of the Basilica of Santa Maria del Popolo, one of the churches that opens on the piazza.

If you visit this piazza, find the energy to climb the steps and enjoy the spectacular view across Rome. Then carry on along the road and you’ll find yourself at Trinità dei Monti – the church that looks over the Spanish Steps.


  1. Half-buried??? I have a bad visual right now. This view is beautiful and that is how I would see it-from a picture since I am terrified of heights and would not go climbing those stairs to look out-I would freak (like I did on my mom at Hohen Salzburg)

    1. Birgit, you'd be fine. Apart from legs feeling tired, you don't realise you're climbing. And you're never near the edge – and would be perfectly safe.

  2. I actually preferred yesterays photo - these pizzas are too much to take in all at once!

    1. This one is rather special. But look at the view! The glimpse of St Peter's is well worth the climb.

  3. I remember this piazza but I don't think we climbed the steps! Love looking at your posts and remembering our trip! -http://50andfabulousblog.blogspot.com
